Member of the month – Estafania Riccardi
1. November 2024
Vorstellen… naja, eigentlich braucht es keine Vorstellung, denn jeder kennt sie bereits. Unser lautester, extrovertiertester Box-Star …
John is well known as a ‚mobility king‘ in our box – Straight outta South Africa! As most of you already know he is the founder, owner & genius behind Noshball power balls and protein powders. His presence in class is like a burst of positive vibes—always in good spirits, ever-helpful, and undeniably charming.
Wir sind stolz, John in unserer CrossFit Community zu haben.
Im Interview erfahrt ihr mehr über John, es lohnt sich, dass Interview zu lessen…
Wie bist du zum Crossfit Wädenswil gekommen, und was hat dich daran fasziniert?
I was made aware of CFW through a friend (Thanks SG). After my motorcycle accident in 2016. I almost lost my right foot and was told by doctors that I would never be able to walk again. After a number of miraculous surgeries and extensive hospital, wheelchair, crutches, and rehab – I learned to walk again (This was made possible by someone very close to me. Thank you DT). After this, it was mandatory to build up core, back, and leg muscles. Got into CF a little while after
and loved it ever since. (The CF Gym is the only place that does not acknowledge you, no cares who you are, the weights don’t lie, if you can’t pick them up, you can’t pick them up, it will push you every single time. You are always learning to improve and reach new goals, you’re never finished.)
Wenn du eine Crossfit-Playlist erstellen würdest, welche Songs würden darauf stehen?
Easy, Marlene’s / Ciril’s Spotify WOD Playlist.
I always speak very highly of CFW, for me everything fits.
The owner, the coaches, the workouts, the mentality, the community, the vibe, the way things are done, and why they are done.
Homemade pizza with Spinach, maze, tomatoes, cheese and Chicken.
Summer! It’s all about Warmth, love, and Happiness.
Herzlichen Dank für das spannende Interview.
Es ist super dich bei uns zu haben!